RTFM ! -))

12 декабря 2016
Шикарный ответ на вопрос "как отрегулировать сцепление на kx65 :))
...Thanks for the advice guys!
Yeah you young punk, get a manual. then lern how to read it. By the way, the clutch is on the left side of the handlebars!
I've been in your situation recently. I recommend:
1. swapping the jets out for new ones
2. stretching the fingers out on the child in question
3. take the bike to Americus Honda - they'll know what to do
4. making an adjustment on the lower portion of the clutch cable so that the clutch engages sooner
5. make the kid always push start the bike so it's a non-issue
6. get a 4 stroke
7. switch to a 2 stroke
8. buy a $300 hydraulic clutch
9. sell the bike
10. teach the kid to use the lawnmower instead
11. take up stamp collecting
12. get a manual
I'll ask my 2nd period shop teacher. He used to race mopeds back in the 80's
I'm sure he'll have an answer.
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