Просто обалдел от китайцев. English знающие - оцени

30 декабря 2015
это написал я вчера (телефон опнулся на кафель и стекло пошло трещинками):
I'm from Russia. I've broken the screen.
Where I can buy it in Russia or via www.aliexpress.com
thanks in advance
Thank you for letting us know of this information,
We are truly sorry for the inconvenience you have encountered.
We do sincerely suggest you kindly take the device for a technical test with the original seller,
Kindly for your information,
All Xiaomi items can only be applying for the after-sale warranty service within the original region of its purchase.
Euro/USA market do not support provide international shipping and after-sale service to the items which did not purchase directly with us through the official site www.mi.com/en/ as your reference kindly.
We do think the original seller should be able to provide you exchange or repair service regarding of this purchased item.
We do sincerely appreciated for your understanding and patience with us kindly.
Kindly making contact with the original seller regarding of this purchase,
Hopefully you will be able to receive an exchange or repair policy :)
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
If you have any further question, please feel free to contact us.
May you experience a lifetime of love, happiness and joy!
Best regards,
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