предобеденный псто

15 октября 2013
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как жарить стейки по-американски
The Most Common Steak Cooking Stages
Raw - uncooked. Unless used in special dishes, like steak tartare, steak is generally not eaten or ordered at this stage. However, it is becoming more and more popular.
Blue - almost raw inside, but hot outside. Cooked very quickly. Inside is usually cool and not warm and definitely not cooked. The steak will be red on the inside. Cooking time: 1-2 minutes each side. Resting time is about 9 minutes.
Rare - red inside with plenty of red juices running freely. The outside is grey-brown. The middle of the steak is warm. Cooking time: 2-3 minutes each side. Resting time is about 8 minutes.
Medium rare – same as rare, but with few free-flowing juices and still red in the very middle. The outside is grey-brown. Cooking time: 3-4 minutes each side. Resting time is about 7 minutes.
Medium - pink (fading to grey-brown) with juices in the middle. The outside is grey-brown. Cooking time: 4-5 minutes each side. Resting time is about 6 minutes.
Medium well - the meat is grey-brown (or deep pink) throughout, still juicy. Cooking time: 5-6 minutes each side. Resting time is about 5 minutes. Recommended for the first time.
Well done - the meat is grey-brown throughout and slightly blackened or charred, but flesh still clear and juicy. Cooking time: 6-7 minutes each side. Resting time is about 4 minutes. Recommended for the first time.
Very well done - the meat is beige in the middle, not many juices remaining. Cooking time: 7-8 minutes each side. Resting time is about 3 minutes.
What is resting time? Leaving meat to rest after cooking is very important. When you cook, the heat penetrates from outside and at higher temperatures the juices nearest the surface of meat are forced out.
Resting your steak after grilling takes advantage or carry over cooking, allowing cooking to finish and internal juices to settle. The shorter the cooking time, the longer the resting time should be. Place your steak on a warm plate and cover with foil for resting.
However, the appliance you use does make a difference. Since we don't always feel like going out, we have bought a professional grill. This one was a bit pricey but there is a great deal of choice in the market.
Click the image to see the range of grills available from one of the online stores.
я такие толстые не жарю - и мясо не то, и духовки спецовой нет
поэтому жарю тоньше (в полтора пальца), и существенно меньше
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