От остатков былой роскоши - опоры передних амортизаторов STI

12 марта 2016
Производство - Subaru STI
Номер детали # B0310FE000.
Подходят для WRX, Forester, STI
Состояние - новые.
Описание взятое из интернетов:
This Genuine Subaru Impreza STi Front Strut Mount reduces the flex of the suspension for a more precise alignment and better handling. The hard rubber construction over stock mounts allows for less strut movement and more responsive steering during extreme driving conditions.
This Impreza Front Strut Mount Makes your suspension more able to perform at peak efficiency due to superior rigidity and design.
STi designed these Strut Mounts to replace your stock soft rubber bushings to greatly improve the handling and performance of your Impreza with much stiffer bushings, allowing the suspension to work more efficiently.
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