ОФФ тхахахааа.

8 апреля 2014
Скрепы скрепами, крым крымом, а отдыхать с детишками в норвегию - это ведь "СОВСЕМ ДРУГОЕ ДЕЛО!" )))))
Russian television host Dmitry Kiselyov has been forced to cancel his planned family holiday in far northern Norway after EU sanctions banned him from getting a Norwegian visa.
Kiselyov told the paper that he and his family had planned to drive across the border from Murmansk and visit Gjesvær on the far northern tip on Norway.
"We have rented a lodge in the northern Viking settlement of Gjesvær with only 150 inhabitants, to show the children the midnight sun, cliffs full of birds, and seals. We have already sent advance payment,” he told the newspaper.
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