Керг, средний налет SSJ в Interjet не 7, а 5:24:24 в

18 января 2018
2017 году.
не найдешь сам - я тебе дам ссылочку)))
а вот еще из их официальной информации:
Operating expenses increased 29.2%, from $3,950.5 million pesos in the 2Q16 to
$5,105.3 million pesos in the 2Q17. This increase was mainly due to an increase in
operations because of the addition of aircrafts that caused higher expenses of:
maintenance, airport operating and landing fees, aircraft rent and expenses
Inherent to the expansion of operations, as well as the impact of the devaluation of
the peso against the dollar. At the end of the 2Q17 the company operated 22
SSJ100, 48 A320's and 3 A321's.
Переведешь сам, почему растут операционные издержки?))
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