Что сомневатесь в демократии Швейцарии ?

25 июня 2017
Да, вызовут полицию....
с кошками и собаками тоже выселят, если захотят конечно
Toilet flushing
Thomas Oberle, a lawyer with the homeowners’ association HEV, says that contrary to popular belief the rental law in Switzerland is not very specific. This means that landlords can interpret the law as they see fit.
They are free to set their own house rules, for example, banning pets or insisting that permission is needed to keep them.
There are no blanket Swiss rules that apply to all tenants, in other words, and the oft-quoted “ban” on flushing the toilet after 10pm is an urban myth.
Taking baths at odd hours is another matter. “I wouldn’t recommend running a bath at night as the noise would be inconsiderate,” Oberle tells The Local.
“But a clause saying that you can’t use the shower between 10pm and 6am cannot be enforced – provided the person doesn’t take 20 minutes over it.”
According to the lawyer, consideration for others is the watchword and limits need to be set. However, some argue that consideration for the rights of others goes too far and infringes personal freedoms, such as the right to keep an animal.
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