Антифриз MS-9769 и его замена на аналоги

19 июня 2014
В машине с завода залит антифриз Mopar MS-9769 оранжевый или красный, 5-летний. Мануал про него строго пишет:
Coolant recommendations and cautions:
The recommended mixture is 50/50 ethylene-glycol and low mineral content water. Never use pure antifreeze.
Only Mopar Antifreeze Coolant, 5 Year/100,000 Mile Formula (glycol base coolant with corrosion inhibitors called HOAT) is recommended. This coolant offers the best engine cooling without corrosion when mixed with 50% distilled water.
Antifreeze mixture must always be at least 44%, all climates year round. Maximum protection (-90d) is provided with a 68% mixture protection.
If the percentage is lower than 44 percent, engine parts may be eroded by cavitation, and cooling system components may be severely damaged by corrosion.
CAUTION: Mopar Antifreeze/Coolant, 5 Year/100,000 Mile Formula (MS-9769) may not be mixed with any other type of antifreeze.
Mixing of coolants other than specified (non-HOAT or other HOAT), may result in engine damage that may not be covered under the new vehicle warranty, and decreased corrosion protection.
CAUTION: Do not use coolant additives that are claimed to improve engine cooling.
4.7L coolant capacity:
1999-2000: 13.0 qts. (including 2.3 qts. for resevoir)
2001-2004: 14.5 qts. (including 1 qt. for resevoir)
В экзисте по запросу MS-9769 приехал Shell Zone Dex-cool Extended Life Pre-Diluted 50/50 готовый к заливанию.
На канистре нет упоминания о соответствии допуску крайслера MS-9769, в интернете пишут, что есть, но что-то сомнение появилось, не попортить ли мне этот антифриз все на свете? Машине 10 лет, пробег 162т.км. Вчера заменил основной радиатор, планирую полностью заменить весь антифриз.
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